PBE Games : Diaspora Cluster Builder

This is the test site. Work in progress. Trust nothing.


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This builder creates Clusters of systems for Diaspora, a self-described "hard science-fiction role-playing game with fate". The generator lays out the bare bones of the cluster, defining the raw technology, environment and resources of each system. It also builds the slipstream links between systems. To use the builder, simply fill out the form below and hit submit.

Email Addresses

Fill in at least one email address unless the Display option is chosen below. The generator does some rudimentary address checking when results are generated, but please double-check addresses for accuracy. All addresses attempted are included in the signed message.

Summary of the Cluster

A brief summary of what this cluster is for. This field is optional.

Show Results

Indicate if results should be emailed to the addresses listed, displayed on a results page, or both.

The Display option (see Show Results) may not be safe for actual play depending on usage. Nothing prevents an unscrupulous player from hitting reload repeatedly to obtain results they desire.

The Systems

Fill in a system name and (optional) comment for each desired system. If the system name is left blank it will not be generated, so if you only want a five system cluster simply leave systems six through twelve blank.


Signed rolls can be verified here: http://www.pbegames.com/verify/

Mail Issues

  • No known issues.

Diaspora Cluster Builder

Email Addresses (your address should be first)
Reply to your address
Cluster Summary
Show Results
System One
System Two
System Three
System Four
System Five
System Six
System Seven
System Eight
System Nine
System Ten
System Eleven
System Twelve

Diaspora Cluster Generator version 1.0